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Anglican Theology

Author Stephen Burns & James Tengatenga (eds.)
Publisher SCM £25
Format pbk
ISBN 970334066231

This book surprised me, making me realise my view of Anglican theology was limited. I was aware of the Anglican Communion but the fact that the typical Anglican in the twenty-first century is an African under thirty had escaped me. Cocooned in the writing of a handful of British and North American theologians, I was humbled to realise on opening this book that I did not recognise the name of any of the contributors. The editors have chosen eighteen men and women to present a wide diversity of views to free the Anglican Communion from its British history and to show what those steeped in a history of Anglican devotion might have to learn from those shaped by traditions formed in the present and in contexts far from Britain. Don’t be put off because you can’t immediately place the book; that is its point. Instead, treat it as a bridge that will allow you to become acquainted with theologians who did not necessarily begin their work as Anglicans and thus raise important questions about what counts as Anglican theology.




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