Welcome to Transforming Ministry

The website of the Central Readers’ Council



Welcome to the website of the Central Readers’ Council (CRC). The CRC supports lay ministers and their ministry in the Church of England and the Church in Wales. It was originally set up as an independent charity in 1922 to look after Readers, at that time the only recognised lay ministers in the Church in England. Today it supports lay ministry in its diverse forms, publishes Transforming Ministry magazine and provides a hub for ongoing learning.

Wardens and administrators of lay ministry in dioceses will also find support and information here.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance for churches

The advice in this link is provided to assist local churches in their planning and decision-making during the coronavirus pandemic.

Joining CRC

If you are a Reader (LLM) in England or Wales you are automatically an associate member of CRC. We invite you to access the CMD materials on our Transforming Ministry: Learning page.

If you are not a Reader (LLM) you can become a subscription member here and choose from a range of options including the magazine. You can access our teaching modules here.

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