Go … Make Disciples
Author John Marsh
Publisher Sacristy £14.99
Format pbk (new edition)
ISBN 9781789593433
The great commission of the Church to go out and make disciples is often compromised by internal church fights or just a lack of commitment. As Marsh shows, discipleship is at the heart of the church’s call. It was originally published in an era that saw some great writings on the issue such as David Watson’s Discipleship (to my mind, the greatest book on the topic). For Marsh, Christians need to engage in the mission to show the Father’s love as their motivation, to talk about salvation, and the healing purposes of God. He stresses this cannot be accomplished without the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, giving us servant hearts. He approaches this via biblical stories and teachings. Although there are some anecdotes to illustrate this, I would have liked more to see how discipleship is lived out. Nonetheless, this is a stimulating book which could be rewardingly used to inform a sermon series on this topic.
Reviewed by CAVAN WOOD
Mission and evangelism