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Hero, Lover, Daughter, Queen

Author Lavinia Byrne & Jane McBride
Publisher Canterbury £12.99
Format pbk
ISBN 9781786225931

This relatively short book investigates the story and personality of both the well-known and the less ‘Sunday School-friendly’ people in the Bible, starting with Jezebel. While not all the chapters are about women, as it is written by two women, it does encourage looking at things from a feminine viewpoint, especially around the story of Mary Magdalene and the woman at the well. Each chapter begins by giving what I would consider a traditional Bible interpretation, but then goes on to invite you to look at the person in a different light. I found this very helpful, as it encouraged me to learn more and re-read passages in the Bible that, I admit, I had previously skimmed over! Each chapter ends with several actions to carry out and some ‘to think about further’ suggestions. I really enjoyed this easy and at times entertaining read.


Biblical characters and analysis


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