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Restoring the Story

Author Anne van Gend
Publisher SCM £19.99
Format pbk
ISBN 9780334066194

It is a surprise and a pleasure to read a book on doctrine that is both readable and entertaining, yet also profound and challenging. The author provides a journey through most but not all the various ‘theories’ of atonement, often illustrating spiritual nuances with references to fantasy fiction (Narnia, Harry Potter among others). The result is an original theology of atonement with special emphasis on four themes. The traditional ‘sacrificial’ element to cleanse our sins, and the ‘Christus Victor’ model are both analysed in depth and found helpful. More originality comes from the treatment of ‘covenantal’ atonement and ‘Theosis’ (participation in God), where I personally learned much. Each theme is expertly analysed with exegesis from Old and New Testament texts, and ‘good news’ is proclaimed to encourage and enlighten the reader. Penal substitution is mentioned briefly, but the author concludes that narratives involving the propitiation of an angry God should be ‘gently put to one side’ and notes that the reality of Jesus’ atoning work does not rely on theological agreement among Christians. I recommend this worthy and interesting book.




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