The Church, The Far Right, And The Claim To Christianity
Author Helen Paynter & Maria Power (eds.)
Publisher SCM £25
Format pbk
ISBN 9780334065494
This book originated from a conference of Christian academics who met to discuss the challenge posed by the recent growth of far-right political movements with anti-Muslim and violent agendas, who are often hiding falsely under ‘Christian’ labels. It is timely, given the growing electoral strength of far-right parties across the world, and associated violence and terrorism. The challenge of this false ‘claim to Christianity’ has been largely underestimated by churches of all denominations. Although written as academic papers, with many footnotes and references, the contributions are all readable. I found them wise and disturbing in equal measure. They are drawn together by two excellent contributions from Helen Paynter, whose introduction sets out the problem, and whose concluding chapter summarises the consensus of findings and offers recomm-endations which should be required reading for all senior Christian leaders. The book has implications for all denominations, for inter-faith working and for anti-racism programmes. It is serious and significant reading for all Christians worried about these trends.
Christianity and Politics