Lifelong Learning


CRC recommends these online publications which you can access and download. Also these other titles available only in hard copy

Resourcing Sunday
to Saturday Faith


Written by Bishop Martyn Snow, former Chair of CRC and now joint chair of the Lay Ministry Advisory Group of Ministry Division. It sets out his vision of the role of Readers (LLMs) in today’s world.


Kingdom Calling


Kingdom Calling offers a compelling theological grounding
for the vocation, ministry and discipleship of the whole people
of God. Building creatively on previous studies, it challenges
all of us to change so that the whole church can serve the
whole mission of God in the whole of life.


A Vision for Lay Ministries


Lay ministries are growing and proliferating within the Church of England as more people respond to God’s call in their lives and share their God-given gifts in a wide range of ministries. This evidence of the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and creative human imagination in shaping new forms of service in ministry is something to celebrate joyfully while acknowledging that we hope for a future of increased confidence in and of lay ministries.

Exploring the metaphor of an abundant garden, A Vision for Lay Ministries looks forward to a church where lay ministries abound and flourish even more fruitfully as part of the ecosystem of the whole people of God serving God’s mission in God’s world. This vision seeks to inspire the whole church in reflection and action around lay ministries across the Church of England – what might realising this vision look like in your ministry context?


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