Adams Myland Fund
In the past, the Central Readers’ Council has received bequests with the aim of supporting Readers (LLMs) in their further training. These bequests go back many decades – the story goes that Miss Myland decided to set up a fund in parallel to the Adams one that was already in existence, when she was sitting on a staircase having lunch at a CRC meeting, to which she could not be admitted because of her gender.
The original sums have been invested, and the income they generate is now available as training bursaries or grants to individual Readers.
There are a few conditions attached of which these are the most important:
• Applicants must be licensed Readers (LLMs) (i.e. grants are not available for initial training) and should reside within one of the dioceses of the Church of England or of the Church in Wales.
• Funds are available for help towards the cost of courses of study taken, for which insufficient funding is available from other sources. The grant may be used to supplement fees or for necessary books and resources, but not for cost of living expenses.
• Applications must be for programmes, courses or research in the broad field of theology, with the primary aim of enhancing the applicant’s knowledge and practice as a Reader (LLM).
• The programme, course or research is normally part-time and offered by an accredited institution (including distance-learning).
• Every application must be supported by the Warden of Readers (LLMs) in the applicant’s
home diocese.
• An application for a diocesan grant must be submitted to the Reader’s (LLM’s) diocese prior to an application being made to the Central Readers’ Council; the outcome of the diocesan application however does not impinge on eligibility for a grant from the Adams-Myland fund.