Companion to
the Old Testament
Author Ed. Hywel Clifford
Publisher SCM Press £19.99
Format pbk
ISBN 9780334053934
The aim of this admirably concise and focused ‘companion’ is to propose and put into practice ‘a fresh model for approaching the Old Testament… explicitly Christian’, but ‘…not written in a religiously or denominationally partisan manner.’ A chapter is devoted to each of the five divisions of the Old Testament – Pentateuch, History, Poetry & Wisdom, Prophets and the Apocrypha – each sub-divided into Introduction, Interpretation and Application summaries (which defines this ‘fresh model’). These summaries further sub-divide into insightful and accessible perspectives of Early, Reformation and Modern Christian thought and understanding. The Conclusion is one of most comprehensive listings of paper and virtual resources this reviewer has seen, covering thematic and theological subjects with thoughtful commentary on their strengths, weaknesses and denominational bases/biases.
In concert with Drane’s Introducing The Old Testament and the Alexander’s Lion Handbook to the Bible, you will have ‘a cord of three strands…’ (Ecc 4:12) to begin confidently navigating the pools, streams, rivers and seas of the Old Testament. Highly recommended.
Old Testament Analysis