For This I Came
Author Wyn Beynon
Publisher Canterbury £14.99
Format hbk
ISBN 9781786224668
This is a generous book as the Bishop John Inge points out in his foreword. Although promoted as ‘Spiritual Wisdom for Priesthood and Ministry’ it is clearly a book for all the baptized, and an ideal gift for those approaching ordination and Readers their licensing. Offering short poetic reflections, it is a rich source for ministry and personal insights, a baptismal grace which, as one reflection offers, ‘an habitual Grace we live inside as it lives inside us’. A bonus is its size, about A5, with some sixty-five plus pages which makes it easy and light to slip into a bag. The book can be dipped into, here and there, and there are brief footnotes giving sources where needed. Benyon is a priest in the Diocese of Worcester, a spiritual director and clergy monitor. Until recently he served on the General Synod and chairs the Diocesan Spirituality Steering Group. For This I Came is a generous offering indeed.
Poetry; Spiritual reflections