Gospel of the Trinity
Author Patrick Whitworth
Publisher Sacristy £12.99
Format pbk
ISBN 9781789592825
This is the fourth in a series of ‘explorations’ into the gospels for deeper knowledge and understanding written by this author. He reviews in an interesting way the familiar issues of date, context, authorship and initial audience, concluding that it was John the Evangelist who wrote the gospel in Ephesus, around 90 AD. He transliterates key Greek words, and draws on the work of other writers, sometimes including long pertinent quotations in the text and many references to both OT and NT passages. He illustrates the extent to which Jesus draws attention to the intimate love of the ‘Persons’ of the Trinity, and that to believe in the ‘Three in One’ by love in action is the goal of humankind, outweighing specific rules and rituals. There are many references to people across the ages that illustrate exactly this level of loving commitment to believe (e.g. Mother Teresa and Desmond Tutu) while those who fall short are treated with respectful forgiveness, such as the resurrection conversation with Peter; and even at the Last Supper with Judas Iscariot. Throughout there is a light touch and gentle humour. He concludes each chapter by offering questions to facilitate discussion. These could be used by Readers to enhance their sermons on John.