From the editor
As a Licensed Lay Minister and a professional editor, I was thrilled to be given the chance to edit Transforming Ministry magazine. It is a wonderful way of being in touch with a network of people who live their faith – and write about it. I hope you enjoy reading their contributions as much as I do.
Transforming Ministry (formerly The Reader) is a resource for Readers, Licensed Lay Ministers, and anyone else in ministry who wants to keep growing and improving in that role. It is a vehicle for sharing good practice and encouraging each other, as well as for learning.
There are four issues of the magazine every year.
Each issue has a special theme, which accounts for about a third of the content.
Themes fall into four broad categories:

Every issue contains at least as many feature articles on other topics as well as book reviews, news from the Central Readers’ Council and updates on policy and other developments.
There is space to share your views – contributions and discussion are actively encouraged.