If Entrepreneurs
Ran the Church
Author Peter Kerridge
Publisher SPCK £9.99
Format pbk
ISBN 9780281078004
This book contains a miscellany of ideas about how to reinvigorate the Church from eight successful people who run large enterprises. Having been in industry, I was sceptical that managers in commerce could envisage getting the best out of the mix of stipendiary and voluntary workers that is the Church. Their ideas, though, draw one in probably because whatever it is, they want to make it work. A phrase that crops up several times is, ‘generosity of spirit.’ More emphasis is put on willingness to do things in the name of Jesus than on money and for this reason, and the many fresh ideas, I think this is especially a book for Readers. The overview at the end of the interviews is particularly welcome as a summary, and the ‘questions to help you consider how your church might gain from the entrepreneurs’ ideas,’ are useful.