Author Richard Harries
Publisher SPCK £19.99
Format hbk
ISBN 9780281089475
There are three elements to this elegant book. First, it is a simple biblical chronology of the life of Jesus, from annunciation, birth, childhood; from baptism, companionship with disciples, challenges, persecution, death and resurrection. Key gospel passages remind us of the inevitable destiny of our Lord. Secondly, the narrative is wonderfully illustrated by great works of art, mostly from the Renaissance, but with some important modern works. Some are familiar (readers will probably know the works of Titian, Caravaggio, Raphael, and Rembrandt); but others are unfamiliar (I did not know Schiavone’s dark, dramatic ‘Christ before Pilate’). All this is conventional territory – the gospel story told through art history. The original third element woven into the text comprises words from our late Queen Elizabeth, mostly from her Christmas broadcasts, each excerpt brimming with her personal faith. It therefore becomes a fitting tribute to a much-loved Christian monarch. Is this simply a patriotic coffee-table book? Or an ideal gift for an elderly monarchist? Yes – but it is also a book of rare substance which will delight and illuminate all its readers.
Faith and Art