Money and Possessions
Author Walter Brueggemann
Publisher WJK £27.99
Format pbk
ISBN 9780664262808
In a market-propelled society, dominated by the power of money, preachers may be reluctant to tackle attitudes to money and possessions as too culturally sensitive. In this survey of scripture, Brueggemann invalidates any such reluctance as Biblically unsupported. In this incisive, elegant, and counter-cultural interpretation he argues cogently that the entire Bible has more to say about money and possessions than many other topics. He reveals a consistently urgent narrative message throughout scripture that all money and possessions are a gift from God, meant for the benefit of neighbours, albeit a gift marred by predatory economics that result in economic inequalities, oppression of the poor and vulnerable, and persistent exploitation of the ‘have-nots’ by the ‘haves.’ His exegesis is peppered with brief contemporary parallels to underline this core scriptural theme. A few social justice parallels might raise some readers’ eyebrows but this very readable, not highly technical book would be a very useful resource for Bible study and for preachers willing to tackle the topic.