Online Worship and teaching

In March 2020 the Church changed and it will never be the same again.

Overnight online worship became a real issue and a challenge for churches across the world. But the learning curve is steep, the stumbling blocks many and the competition, from other organisations trying to win viewers, immense. If you are struggling to produce online worship or doing it but know you can do better, then this is the course for you.

Three one-hour units take you through both theory and practice. You can join an online community and get help from others wrestling with similar issues. You will hear from those leading worship online regularly and those who work in professional broadcasting. And there are practical tips galore to make your streaming stand out and make an impact.
It’s totally free.

All you need to do is register and start the course at your own pace. God is reshaping the Church and it’s up to us to catch up and move with him.


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