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Three Mountains
to Freedom

Author John Dudley Davies
Publisher Deo Publishing £18.95
Format pbk
ISBN 9781905679355 (2016)

‘You can judge a book by its cover’ so the saying goes. While trying not to do that, I do like a cover to give me a clue what the book is about and that feature is lacking in this otherwise useful book. The back cover notes help by telling me the book is about Galatians but makes no reference to the meaning of the phrase ‘Practice Interpretation’ which appears there. I found the answer in the introduction, and from thereon I began to grasp the author’s intention. There are lots of illustrations – many taken from the author’s experiences in Wales and South Africa, and a fast moving and engaging narrative. Questions at the end of each chapter, together with themes for thanksgiving and prayer are useful to study groups but they are of equal value for use in private study. Would I buy it? Knowing what lies within the covers, most definitely ‘yes’ but for me, this book’s cover lets it down.


New Testament Analysis


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