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Why Interfaith?

Authors Andrew Wingate and Pernilla Myrelid
Publisher DLT  £12.99
Format pbk
ISBN 9780232532340  2016

For anyone who is interested, or already involved in, interfaith encounters, or who feel they should be, this book is an immense treasure trove of people’s stories, experiments, thoughts, triumphs and failures from all around Northern Europe. The editors – Andrew Wingate, Canon Theologian of Leicester Cathedral and Honorary Interfaith Advisor in the Diocese of Chichester, and Pernilla Myrelid, a parish priest and Interfaith Co-ordinator in the Diocese of Linköping, Sweden – believe that interfaith relations are a crucial topic for our time. Patterns of enforced migration and resettlement are in an unprecedented state of change in Northern Europe, leading to new encounters with people of other faiths, a phenomenon which is forcing Christians to rethink their theology and practice. These 40 short and easily accessible essays cover an amazing range of starting points and journeys of individuals and communities as they struggle with these issues. This book is a great starting point for Readers wanting to explore this subject.




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