Your Word is a Lamp on my Path
Author Martin Hogan
Publisher Messenger publications €19.95
Format pbk
ISBN 9781788125901
I have great admiration for this book, and some astonishment at both the wisdom and the industry of the author, Martin Hogan, who has written an imaginative and helpful reflection for every weekday (Monday-Saturday) of the new liturgical year. By concentrating on the gospel readings (although he does not completely ignore the Old Testament) he covers all the key aspects of Jesus’ life and ministry. By delving carefully into these reflections, lay ministers will find many new insights – little gems for their own preaching or spiritual reflections. The only problem is that the readings used are those for the daily weekday Eucharist, not Morning Prayer, and therefore only completely relevant for those attending a daily Eucharist. Nonetheless, these reflections allow dedicated readers to understand the gospels in a fresh and interesting way.