Positions available
New Trustees
Because of the normal retirement schedule of trustees for the Board of CRC we are looking for at least two new members for the Board. Trustees need to be admitted as Readers (though their diocese may call them an LLM) and hold a current licence or Permission to Officiate.
We are looking for people who are interested in the development of Reader ministry and have time not only to attend Board meetings (4 a year by Zoom plus a residential weekend) but to engage with a Working Group of the Board: Communications, Magazine, Education, Policies.
The Board is keen to increase its diversity and range of age and experience. For an informal chat about this please contact
Imogen Clout (Chair): imogen.clout@btinternet.com
The Board seeks to appoint a Treasurer for CRC who would be a member of the Board, but does not have to be a Reader with current licence/PTO. We hope to find someone with treasurer experience and financial expertise.
For an informal chat about this please contact our Secretary: crcsec@transformingministry.co.uk
Digital communications officer
CRC seeks a volunteer (at this stage) to work with the Communications Working Group to develop and enhance the website and the digital communications aspect of CRC’s work. The work would involve regular monitoring and editing of the website, managing the social media communications and development of a digital marketing strategy. There would be a modest honorarium to begin with but CRC hopes to develop this into a part-time freelance post as soon as possible. For an informal chat about this please contact Alan Mitchell (Magazine Chair): chair@transformingministry.co.uk
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