Let Everyone Find Their Voice

Let Everyone Find Their Voice

Author Lezley Stewart
Publisher Saint Andrew Press £14.99
Format pbk
ISBN 9780715209844

Lezley Stewart’s intent in this useful book is to create a meaningful worship experience which – ‘when done well’ – leads the worshipper to ‘transformative encounters’ with God and with one another. Her approach is to ‘re-imagine’ the Psalms in a shared language for worship today, which the author explains is language that is relevant, and contemporary, inspired by the context in which we find ourselves. It is, she says, very much about today. The Psalms are presented in a thematic and metaphorical framework where the God within the text is revealed, rather than the text itself. So we have sections of Psalms under headings such as Refuge, Refreshment. Each Psalm is followed by questions for contemplation, suggestions for liturgy, and several ‘new’ Psalms. As Lezley Stewart intends, this is a book to encourage new expression and praise of God.


Psalms, Worship


Psalm Prayers

Psalm Prayers

Author Stephen Cherry
Publisher Canterbury Press £12.99
Format pbk
ISBN 9781786222374

This profoundly thoughtful book brings to life the cry of the human heart, an invitation to the reader to develop his or her own relationship with the Psalms. The result of this invitation is an engagement with God born of desperate human need in all the complexities of human existence. We get a deep sense of the immediacy of each Psalm, of its being written by real people out of real experience. Each Psalm is accompanied by a personal prayer, a great resource for our own prayers. Additionally, there is a delightful pairing of the Psalms with Choral Evensong and the beautiful cadences of Anglican chant. To immerse oneself in Stephen Cherry’s rich outpouring of his love for the Psalms is a spiritual journey in itself.


Psalms, Prayer


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