God’s Church for God’s World

God’s Church for God’s World

Author Stephen Spencer (ed.)
Publisher SCM £19.99
Format pbk
ISBN 9780334065517

This book is a transcript of the Lambeth Conference held in summer 2022, comprising reports, keynote addresses (three good, wide-ranging speeches from Archbishop Welby); and what are known as ‘Lambeth Calls’ – policy statements and debates on important Anglican issues. I found the book alternately inspiring and bland – sometimes bold, sometimes understandably cautious. It is difficult to imagine how several hundred bishops from a range of cultures, from communities of affluence and poverty, could hold collective views. Yet, to paraphrase our Archbishop, there was unity in filling ‘our hearts with desire for friendship with Jesus’. This was evident in the excellent Bible studies (on 1 Peter) and in the worship and imaginative liturgies in Canterbury Cathedral. Another significant unity was the day spent at Lambeth Palace – a time of prayer and commitment to the environment. The book is a snapshot of current Anglican thinking – valuable for all who take our world strategy to heart. But will it chime in the pews of rural England and South Sudan, to name but two parts of our Communion?


Anglican Communion


Gospel of the Trinity

Gospel of the Trinity

Author Patrick Whitworth
Publisher Sacristy £12.99
Format pbk
ISBN 9781789592825

This is the fourth in a series of ‘explorations’ into the gospels for deeper knowledge and understanding written by this author. He reviews in an interesting way the familiar issues of date, context, authorship and initial audience, concluding that it was John the Evangelist who wrote the gospel in Ephesus, around 90 AD. He transliterates key Greek words, and draws on the work of other writers, sometimes including long pertinent quotations in the text and many references to both OT and NT passages. He illustrates the extent to which Jesus draws attention to the intimate love of the ‘Persons’ of the Trinity, and that to believe in the ‘Three in One’ by love in action is the goal of humankind, outweighing specific rules and rituals. There are many references to people across the ages that illustrate exactly this level of loving commitment to believe (e.g. Mother Teresa and Desmond Tutu) while those who fall short are treated with respectful forgiveness, such as the resurrection conversation with Peter; and even at the Last Supper with Judas Iscariot. Throughout there is a light touch and gentle humour. He concludes each chapter by offering questions to facilitate discussion. These could be used by Readers to enhance their sermons on John.




Defusing the Sexuality Debate

Defusing the Sexuality Debate

Author Mark Vasey-Saunders
Publisher SCM £25
Format pbk
ISBN 9780334063544

This book makes the case that current conflicts over sexuality are symbolic of deeper disagreements over the place of Christianity in the modern world. The author is an Anglican priest working as a tutor at St Hild College. Although he identifies as evangelical, the book is not defensive and provides an honest critique of the evangelical perspective concerning the sexuality debate. The book aims to help defuse a debate that the author claims has become corrosive to the spiritual health of all those caught up in it, on both sides. It tries to unpick exactly what it is we are arguing about and why it has aroused such passionate intensity. The suggestion is made that the pressing ethical question before us is not actually the question of sexuality itself, but the question of how we live together as brothers and sisters in Christ, with disagreements. This is a scholarly, yet accessible, book which makes a positive contribution to the current battle between progressives and conservatives over the sexuality debate; I recommend it.


Advent, Nativity


The Treasure Hunt

The Treasure Hunt

Author J M Evans
Publisher Dernier £4.99
Format pbk
ISBN 9781912457489

This children’s adventure is perfect for 8 to11-year-olds. Four Christian friends face a mystery involving people-trafficking that needs faith and prayer, as well as courage and obedience. With God’s protection and guidance, they choose to do what is right even when there’s danger. My 9-year-old grandson loved the story and said, ‘It was really exciting. When I got to the end of a chapter, I wanted to read the next one. When the children in the story found something that they thought was wrong or hard, they prayed and told their parents and then did something about it, even though it was scary. I think my friends would like it, and I hope my school library will get it. I’d definitely like to read another adventure by this author!’
Highly recommended!

Reviewed by HOWARD ROWE and JONAS ROWE (aged 9)

Children’s book


Living Well with God

Living Well with God

Author Jo Acharya
Publisher Valley of Springs publishing £14.99
Format pbk
ISBN 9781739927318

This is a delightful, instructive book providing Bible passages for people who find reading hard. It made me realise how inaccessible we sometimes make scripture. ‘Turn to Ephesians 3:17.’ Many people could not do that, so the book immediately shows you how – simply, without patronising. The author has planned this book well, essentially as a course on basic Christianity, using the Easy-to-Read Version of the Bible (ERV), and choosing topics to cover life’s problems, triumphs and hopes. The message is simple and evangelical, and each section is reinforced with discussion questions and sections for notes and self-reflection. Every page is studded with small, helpful images to illustrate the themes. Anyone who struggles with reading may grow as a Christian with this book, but I suspect it will be most effective with a committed leader. A guide for mentors is available for download from the author’s website, valleyofsprings.com. I recommend this book for all Christian communities who are serious about inclusion and making sure no one is perplexed by the Bible message.

Reviewed by KATE BURTON



This Crown of Comfort

This Crown of Comfort

Author Eva Leaf
Publisher BRF £9.99
Format pbk
ISBN 9781800392083

This book is written about women and primarily (but not exclusively) for women. It takes us chapter by chapter through the seven double imperatives (e.g., ‘comfort, comfort my people’) that God issues to a broken Jerusalem in the book of Isaiah. There is a progression through these calls: Comfort; Awake, rise up; Awake, get dressed; Depart; Build up; Pass through; Build up. Each chapter contains reflections on the Bible verses, alongside illustrations from the author’s personal experience and that of many others. We are blessed by being allowed to share in such powerful experiences and insights; and there is much practical advice about moving on. This is a book that addresses deep distress and needs and promises even deeper solutions and hope. In the reflections at the end of each chapter it becomes ‘close and personal’. We are encouraged to look deeply into our troubles and ourselves, to write our thoughts and reflect through the day. Whether we are hurting ourselves or seeking to share comfort with those around, there is plenty here to touch our hearts – as God touched Jerusalem.

Reviewed by LIZ PACEY

Biblical analysis


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