Follow the Star Join the Song

Follow the Star Join the Song

Author Richard Carter
Publisher CHP
Large print   –  £2.00
Pack of 10 –  £8.50
Pack of 50 –  £37.50
Format pbk
ISBN 9781781404362

This little booklet is introduced by our Archbishops, Justin Welby and Stephen Cottrell. At one level it is a simple reminder of our traditional Christmas narrative, but it also encourages reflection on the eternal significance of the season. At the stable door we, ‘…come into the presence of Jesus Christ – a relationship which begins at Christmas but lasts forever.’

There are twelve reflections, beginning on Christmas Eve and ending on the eve of Epiphany. The author, Richard Carter has produced fresh, original ideas with biblical references which blend the well-known Christmas narratives (e.g., Luke 2:1-7, John 1:1-14) with passages such as 1 Kings 19:11-12, Phil. 2:5-11, John 3:16-21, which are not always read during the Christmas season. The reflections helpfully remind us of the wider implications of the incarnation and our feelings at this time of year. It is a season when the Christian religion permeates all our actions yet is too readily ignored by the secular world. These reflections will help redress the balance and should prove useful for members of congregations, especially those who come at Christmas but otherwise seldom attend. This could be the ideal gift for each family at a Christingle or crib service.




Follow the Star – Advent Calendar

Follow the Star – Advent Calendar

Author Clare Williams and Charlotte Cooke
Publisher CHP £3.99
Format pbk
ISBN 9781781404447

This is a lovely idea – a well-constructed Advent Calendar with a traditional fold-out nativity scene. Instead of doors to open there are 24 stickers with appropriate objects to add to the picture each day (1-24 December). The clever innovation comes from the attached story sheet which provides for each day a Bible narrative (sometimes a single verse), and a rhyme to match the sticker. Children are therefore guided each day of Advent through the biblical birth narratives, with a few Old Testament antecedents.

The concept is brilliant but, unfortunately, I found the final product slightly lacking. Although I liked the artwork, the sticker scenes are mostly small and sometimes obscure. And I regret to say the rhymes are not great. Parents may cringe a little and even small children may notice an occasional lack of rhythm. Nonetheless, with wise parental guidance and a child-friendly Bible, the nativity story should come alive in a new and exciting way through this calendar. It is a genuine antidote to the chocolate-rich commercial products that line supermarket shelves at this time of year. I sincerely hope that, despite my curmudgeonly doubts, this enterprise is a great success with both children and their parents.

Reviewed by KATE BURTON



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