Living God’s Future Now
Living God’s Future Now
Author Samuel Wells (ed.)
Publisher Canterbury £17.99
Format pbk
ISBN 9781786224156
Subtitled ‘Conversations with contemporary prophets’, this book is, in my view, one of the best things to have been created during the pandemic. With contributions from twenty well-respected twenty-first century Christian thinkers, activists, and preachers, the seventeen chapters give huge opportunities for spiritual growth. The writers encourage us to face the challenges of modern life and they also offer wisdom on many subjects that thoughtful Christians are always interested in: Freedom, Friendship, Dignity, Speech, Redescription, Imagination, Justice, Hope, Community, Evolution, Materiality, Creativity, Faithfulness, Mercy, Identity, Perception, and Transformation. The narrative is full of wisdom and surprises. Sometimes it will put into exactly the right words something the reader knows already. Sometimes it calls out to the reader to stop, think deeply, challenge. Sometimes it inspires us to imagine, to hope, to change the things that need changing. Living God’s Faith Now is recommended for anyone who loves to explore the nature of God and how he works in the world.
Contemporary theology
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