In Search of Julian of Norwich

In Search of Julian of Norwich

Author Sheila Upjohn
Publisher DLT £9.99
Format pbk
ISBN 9781915412508

It is a great pleasure to see a new edition of this classic companion guide to Revelations of Divine Love, the profound medieval text which, even today, illuminates many Christian lives. Published to coincide with the 650th anniversary of Julian’s famous visions (or ‘showings’), this edition updates the author’s 1989 original, bringing in new material from the internet age. Upjohn knows her history, and quickly sets Julian in her turbulent times, when plague, rebellion, war and purges against heresy disturbed the hearts and minds of all people. This is valuable context, but even greater benefit comes from the spiritual analysis of Julian’s theological insights, the product of her many years of prayer and contemplation as an enclosed anchoress. The beautiful trinitarian symbolism of the hazelnut, the parable of the Lord and his servant, the motherly love of Jesus – all these are described with care and clarity. Above all, the problem of sin is convincingly elucidated by Julian’s genius. No one has produced a more reassuring doctrine. If you never managed to acquire the original edition, do not miss this wonderful book.


Medieval spirituality


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