What makes Churches Grow?

What makes
Churches Grow?

Author Bob Jackson
Publisher Church House Publishing £16.99
Format pbk
ISBN 9780715144749

This book aims to capture the positive signs of new growth in the Church of England and to understand and learn from evidence of helpful factors. It is written with mature hope and trust in God at work. The author provides a balanced and realistic approach to the evidence, combining recognition of human endeavours with God’s divine hand at work. The book includes many statistics and numerical indicators, practical advice with step by step recommendations, and a call to prayer. Growth is recognised to be three-fold: numerical, depth of faith, and power of ministry/service to the community. With lots of real and varied examples, the author encourages strategy – careful and prayerful localised planning – to fall in step with God’s agenda for building the kingdom of God. This book will be most helpful to those in diocesan and local church leadership. However, it does give strong encouragement for engagement by the whole church in the mission and growth agenda.


Mission: Leadership


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