Christian Doctrine

Christian Doctrine

Author Mike Higton
Publisher SCM £25
Format pbk
ISBN 9780334061939

This is a second edition of this work from a modest Durham University academic who begins, ‘You should not expect too much from it…’ Using what are described as ‘unfinished conversations’ with differing theologians to illustrate various themes, each chapter is full of references, notes and further reading. Themes explored include the Love of God, Eschatology, Incarnation, The Last Supper and Ecological Rage, ending with a thoughtful coda on the purpose of doctrinal theology. This is seen as ‘a secondary activity within the life of faith’, only offering support in knowing God, ‘but it does not itself produce that knowledge’ which can only be found in God’s love. Pleasingly Aslan, Grace Kelly and Jean-Luc Picard are referenced alongside Bonhoeffer, Lewis and Voltaire. So should you not expect too much from this book? No, because this a concise and compelling consideration of Christian doctrine. The engaging style enables the reader to be involved without being patronised. This is refreshing given too many theologians are seemingly focused on impressing their peers, rather than engaging accessibly with their readers as Higton does. More like this please.

Reviewed by ANDREW CARR



Only God Will Save Us

Only God Will Save Us

Author Simon Cuff
Publisher SCM £19.99
Format pbk
ISBN 9780334059264

This book describes how theology influences our lives, as the subtitle, ‘The nature of God and the Christian life’ reveals. Cuff helps us to access many of the great Christian thinkers in a way that shows their effect on how we try to live out faith. He tackles issues around the ideas connected with divine simplicity, suffering, love, wrath, mercy, life and jealousy. He is not afraid to examine some of the most difficult theological ideas to show how they are necessary to have a correct view of God and to live out the teachings of Jesus. Cuff shows that theology is not only for the seminary or the university, but that all believers need to engage and reflect with these themes. There are some criticisms of theologians, past and present, which are very stimulating and with which you may not agree (I have some issues with what he says about Moltmann); but he consistently develops his ideas in a way which is truly engaging and thought-provoking. This would be a book worthy of more sustained study and reflection by a group. A must-read.

Reviewed by CAVAN WOOD

Doctrine, Soteriology


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