Kingdom Come
God with Us
God with Us
Author Rowan Williams
Publisher SPCK £8.99
Format pbk
ISBN 9780281076642 2016
This is a series of five talks and a short sermon, edited and collated into a book on ‘The meaning of the cross and resurrection – then and now’. Williams encourages us to ‘put out into deep water’. It is a Tardis – small on the outside (106pp), but revealing depth and breadth on reading. I found that Williams regularly took me through what I knew into new vistas of what I didn’t know, shedding light, deepening the background and making new connections. Clarity is a hallmark. I found the book yielded yet more on a second reading and will, no doubt, take me even further the next time. The chapters are self-contained, so it is a good book for busy people. Chapters finish with questions for ‘reflection or discussion’; some of these are quite searching and encourage personal engagement beyond the academic enquiry – useful for a series of Lent studies where members are willing to delve deep.
Doctrine, Spirituality
The Trinity – How Not To Be a Heretic
The Trinity – How Not To Be a Heretic
Author Stephen Bullivant
Publisher Paulist Press/Alban Books £9.99
Format pbk
ISBN 0809149338
At the start of a new lectionary year, it can be useful to read through the whole gospel, accompanied by a short and simple guide. Harrington’s book is such a guide, taking the reader through many of Luke’s central themes and contrasting when appropriate with the other Gospels. Helpfully, the author demonstrates links with the Acts of the Apostles, seeing both books as two parts of the same work. As this is an introduction, I would have hoped for a fuller bibliography but there is a useful glossary of main terms used. If you are looking for a commentary to assist in sermon preparation, then you need to look elsewhere. If you want an overview of the gospel and its relationship with other New Testament material then this is a good place to start.
Doctrine, History
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