Hospitality, Service, Proclamation

Hospitality, Service, Proclamation

Author Tom Wilson
Publisher SCM £19.99
Format pbk
ISBN 9780334057994

This is a good book to put into the hands of someone training for the ministry, or who missed out on interfaith ministry in their training. Coming from the evangelical end of the spectrum, Wilson, the director of an interfaith centre, explores how to balance hospitality, service and proclamation. There is a helpful overview of twelve different theologians, whom he classifies as exclusivist, inclusivist or pluralist and he discusses the attraction of each category. He then looks at ten passages from the Old and New Testaments, including Abram’s visitors, Ruth, Naaman, the good Samaritan, John 14.6, Paul in Athens and concludes there are ‘plenty of passages that reinforce the importance of proclamation of the Christian faith, but also a number that suggest the importance of offering hospitality to people of other faiths or none and of acts of selfless service.’ The book also has a helpful appendix suggesting books about seven of the faiths Christians in Britain might wish to engage with.


Interfaith, Mission


A Guide to Mission Accompaniment

A Guide to Mission Accompaniment

Author Kerry M Thorpe
Publisher BRF  £7.99
Format pbk
ISBN 9780857465955

This practical book equips us to undertake some of our core tasks as Readers – to encourage discipleship and to grow the next generation of leaders. Thorpe demonstrates that ‘transforming friendship’ is integral to God’s nature and illustrates this view with examples from Genesis through to Revelation. He argues that the flourishing of individual lives can be measured by the quality of their friendships. After careful analysis of Jesus’ relational discipling of his twelve closest followers, Thorpe explores how this knowledge could inform our own ministry. We are introduced to the benefits, and limitations, of neuro-linguistic programming; the importance of affirmation and encouragement alongside challenge; and the value of relational accompaniment in the context of mission. We are called to be challenger, cheerleader, confidant and coach to those we accompany. We should view relational accompaniment as a life skill rather than a technique.


Mission, Discipleship


Dangerous Prayer

Dangerous Prayer

Author Darren Cronshaw
Publisher Paternoster £14.99
Format pbk
ISBN 9781842279762

The author believes that prayer should not be escapist, or just about changing ourselves, but missional – motivating us to seek to change the world in the direction of God’s kingdom. He provides a verse by verse exposition of the Lord’s Prayer to show how this can happen. We are challenged to be part of the answer to our prayer, and to be careful what you wish for. He argues that to ask for our daily bread is to desire to subvert the global economy. Praying for the kingdom questions political manifestos. To seek forgiveness is to work for truth and reconciliation. It is slightly repetitive in places but there are many helpful anecdotes and references to films. Although the author is evangelical, he quotes with approval catholic, orthodox and liberal theologians. With journaling exercises, discussion questions and references to video clips, it could stimulate
a course on prayer.


Prayer, Mission


God’s Belongers

God’s Belongers

Author David Walker
Publisher BRF £7.99
Format pbk
ISBN 9780857464675

This is an important research based examination of how people belong to church. Based on two surveys taken in 2007 and 2009 in the Dioceses of Worcester and Lichfield, Walker outlines four ways – through people, places, one-off events and regular activities – that people belong to the Church. The samples were taken at rural harvest services and Christmas carol services and show information about the attitudes to faith of people who come to church at these times. The findings challenge attitudes of regular churchgoers to those who attend occasionally. Walker argues that people who attend occasionally through people, places or one-off events are co-workers with regular attendees and not objects of mission. He also asks whether it is possible to be a good Christian and not go to church very often. God’s Belongers is full of important questions and issues for PCCs, ministry teams and others to consider. It challenges stereotypes of the ‘not-often-there’ church attendees and deserves wide and careful consideration.


Pastoral, Mission


Just Mission: Practical Politics for Local Churches

Just Mission: Practical Politics for Local Churches

Author Helen Cameron
Publisher SCM Press £19.99
Format pbk
ISBN 9780334052296

There are clearly two approaches (at least) to tackling injustice in our society. One is the large-scale attack on the systemic failings that lead to inequality and poverty, which we might believe should be the focus of the national church, e.g. through the presence of Bishops in the House of Lords; the other is the local – which is the focus of Cameron’s helpful and thought-provoking book. She offers practical advice on how to understand what is happening and then what to do about it. In that sense her book might be what you need if your church is already embroiled in dealing with an issue for your community. But the book is also designed to help people recognise sources of injustice before too much damage has been done, and to raise awareness of effective routes to action so that valuable time and energies are not wasted on remedial measures that are never going to work.

Cameron’s book can also be used as a study guide for churches who have not yet ventured into the stormy seas of local action and who wish to prepare themselves for the fray, or who are interested and have not yet focused their thinking on any one particular issue. The text is sprinkled with references to other helpful resources, including websites and organisations.


Mission, Social Policy


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